I’m very excited to announce my new charity event “Victim of the Fame Game” which is scheduled for next month, at 7pm on Sunday 17th June, 2018 at the Parkside Lounge in LES, NYC!
(It’s been a long time coming as I’ve been wanting to do another event for months now but somehow life got in the way…)
If you are New York based, you must must must come along to this! Not only have I lined up an array of talented artists to perform a delightful selection of music and comedy, but I’ve also managed to work in a satirical talent show and a murder mystery… It’s honestly going to be so much fun, I literally can’t wait to show it to you.
And the really great thing about this event is, it’s raising money for the American Red Cross, a charity that I’m a huge fan of.
If you want to find out more about the event, click here for the Facebook event page or else click here for the Eventbrite ticketing page where you can both buy tickets AND provide donations! So, if you can’t make it down to the show, please do select the “donation” ticket type in Eventbrite. 🙂
And watch out for hashtag #FameGameTalentShow on Instagram and Twitter.
I hope to see you on the 17th!